Senin, 27 Desember 2010

long time no updating my bloog...


long time no see..

dan kali ini saya hadir buat ngerusuh dan PAMER ! xDD


wanna see that ??
wanna see that ??


ini satu rombongan,, ada album upper region-nya satsuki , ada albumnya ayumi , ada duality-nya screw , dan ada mujyoken + kupu2 tobelli ekeeeeee x3333


ini pesenan eke.. ahey ..

semakin ga sabar buat megang itu CD+DVD pake mata kepala eke . aw aw awwwww

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

oh hai !


finally i'm updated my blog~

hari ini hari terakhir bisa online *mungkin* , soalnya besok UAS udah di mulai =3=
dan mana UAS sampe tgl 23 , lama banget kan ?
lebih parahnya lagi masa iya UAS hari pertama di sambut sama yang namanya MATEMATIKA ! =="
sialan , i hate MATEMATIKA till i death !!! =3=

ah, sekian berita dukanya *plak*
sekarang beralih ke berita bahagianya xD

Mujyoken dan Strawberry Butterfly eke datang tgl 23/24~ yahoooooooooooooooooooooy~
setelah penantian panjang~
dua harta karun ku bakal datang~
tak sabaaar~~~~~~~~

oh iya ,
eke hiatus beneran loh ya , bukan boongan .
mulai td pagi eke udah bb off , trus bs onlen lg waktu UAS selesai =w=b
kalo ada perlu silahkan hubungi saya ke mari dan mari~ xD

sore jaa~
bai baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ^o^/

Senin, 29 November 2010

akhirnyaaaaaaaaaa ! gyaaa~ it's PAMER time !! #plak


lama tak bersua ! xD

beberapa hari ini saya lagi jarang banget menjamah Lappie gaga di karenakan inet yang super nyebelin =="

but but but~
emosi saya turun seketika di karenakan dua/tiga hari yang lalu salah satu 'my precious things' udah sampai ke tangan saya ! xD

yep !



awalnya gw kaget banget itu paket datang begitu cepat, dan datangnya jauh dari hari yang gw ramalkan.. wkwkwk ..

tepatnya saya mbayangin itu paket datang paling lama hari selasa ato tgl 30-11-2010 , dan paling engga itu kaset datangnya hari ini ato tg; 29-11-2010 , dan ternyata tuhan berkehendak lain *halah* itu kaset datang pada hari JUM'AT tanggal 26-11-2010 pukul 10:38 , dan gw yang pada saat itu lagi sibuk nge-tweet di kamar, sambil gegulingan gaje tiba tiba kaget denger pintu di ketok oleh seseorang ya=g gw ga tau itu siapa, gw bukain pintu eh ternyata ada bokap tiri gw bawa bungkusan yang terbilang cukup gede sambil bilang "paket buat kamu" , gw cuma manggut manggut sambil ngambil itu paket, dan gw bawa ke kamar, ga kepikiran kalo itu kaset duality, soalnya bungkusannya gede sih xD

dan kebiasaan jelek gw nih, ga mbaca nama pengirimnya dulu di itu paket, keburu kepikir "paling paket tititipan mbaknya si depa" , ya eke lempar aja deh itu paket ke kasur, trus eke buka lemari buat nyiapin baju sekolah.

trus sepintas gw mbatin "err~ cuma prasaan gw apa td emang ngebaca tulisan RESHA RIN SHOP ya di itu paket?" langsung deh eke cek lagi itu paket dan ternyata, MATA GUE MASIH BENER ! xD
gw beneran ga salah baca xD

langsung deh itu bungkusan gw cabik2 *halah*, begitu bungkusan terbuka langsunglah gue jejeritan begitu ngeliat isinya XDDDD

satu kaos NLSB + bonus mini poster Aoi (PLEDGE outfit) dan DUALITY gue dong yaaaa ! xDD

ini mini poster Awo-nya xD


ini kaos NLSB-nya xD

sesuai laporan jeng rin, DUALITY bonusnya member postcard xD
dan segera deh gue otak atik itu DUALITY, but first yang gw jamah itu postcardnya xD

ini DUALITY-nya xD

ini postcard-nya xD

begitu liet pertama yang tertampang itu wajah si BYO =="
dengan pose norak + baju norak dia #plak

trus pas gw liet kebelakang ada Manabon ( xD
gyaaaaaa~ cantiknyaaaa berbi kuuuuuuuu~~~~ #plak


MY BELOVED KAZUKI !! *loncat loncat*

huah~ nyaris separo jiwa ku melayang saat melihat pesona postcard juki *lebay warning* xDD

dan di belakang juki ada Rui =="

trus, ga ada Jin xD
soalnya postcard Jin ketinggalan di Surabaya xD

awalnya, saking lebaynya (ato udik ?)nya gw ga brani buka segel itu CD xD
sebenernya ga tau buka itu plastik CD dari mana xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

dan setelah membuka, gw cuma bisa membatin "INILAH DUALITY KU" (lebay warning part 2) xD

langsung deh dengan sepenuh jiwa gw buka itu CD case, dan taraaa~ terbukalah xD

ini CD-nya xD

itu juga gw ga langsung muter CD-nya, tapi mbuka covernya xD
trus coba coba (ato sok-sok-an) mbaca lirik xD

ini cover-nya xD

pertama buka, tiba tiba ada selembar kertas jatoh, dan ada tulisan yang lumayan gede gede di itu kertas, dan eke cuma bisa geleng geleng waktu liet itu kertas.

SCREW lagi kejar setoran kali ya =="
yah,, tapi ga ada salahnya juga sih, itung itung buat pengobat rindu ke Juki itu singel ntar ///w///
tapi yang jelas eke ga order, donlot aja xD

trus, waktu menjelajah itu cover, lagi lagi tertampang wajah BYO di depan, tepatnya disamping kiri lirik lagu setsuna no koku, lanjut.. saya buka ke halaman berikutnya dan sontak saya menjerit histeris begitu melihat INI-------------

OH MAI GOT ! *plak*

dan pada beberapa halaman berikutnya lagi lagi gw di buat histeris, dan malah lebih histeris ketimbang ketika liet Juki.

dan yang saya liet itu adalah

ini --------------->>>


oke ini pertama kalinya saya muji RUI ! *tutup mata*

sumpah MANIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS banget dah ini cowo, kalo keseringan liet ini lama lama gw bisa kena Diabetes nih xD

ini back cover DUALITY-nya x333

ini total smua paket gw~ xD

ini DUALITY CD/DVD eke beserta bonusnya xD

setelah penantian cukup panjang, dari awal bulan sampai akhir bulan, akhirnya eke mendapatkan ada yang telah eke nantikan xD

eke tinggal nunggu paket Mujyoken sama Strawberry Butterfly eke

ga sabaaaar !

but, dengan kehadiran DUALITY disisiku *halah* mungkin eke bisa bersabar menanti kedua CD itu datang ke pangkuanku ///w////


big massive thanks for you Rin~

Selasa, 23 November 2010

No, thank you !!

Yaa yaa yaa .

Yeah, I know I'm really annoying .
But I'm still a human , gw masih tau batas kok .

Makasih udah GA percaya sama gw .

Gw turutin lg aja maunya elu .

Terserah dah . Lu ma blg gimana .

lu nyuruh gw sekolah it's okay . Gw emang harus sekolah .

Okelah , gw sekolah .
Tp gatanggung kalo ntar separo plajaran gw pulang .

Hey~ panas badan gw masih 39 .
Perut masih mules .

Haha .
Udahlah, lu juga ga bakal peduli deh .
Makasih aja deh ya .

Mau nganter ?
Ga, makasih . Gw bs pergi ndiri .

Biarin aja ntar gw pegi kek orang lg 'fly' .
Th kao gw knp2 lu juga ga peduli iyakan ?

Hahahaha .
Thanks mom .
U make me 'love' u than yesterday .
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Jumat, 19 November 2010

I Want ...

Bentar lagi tahun 2010 lewat .
And that's mean ..

Sudah nyaris 1 tahun yuuto keluar dari SCREW !

Ga kerasa ya ?
Hahahaha ..

Hmm . Jujur aja g jg masih kangen sama saat saat yuuto masih sama SCREW .
Barusan td g liet lg video making of genei no kusari , denger mreka ktawa bareng . Seneng seneng bareng . Dan sumpah , waktu denger suara yuuto ketawa , ga kerasa gw nangis .

Blom lg keinget apdetan blog dia yang dy ngomong "kesepian" . Haaaaaa ...

Apa dia bisa seceria dulu , kek Waktu masih di SCREW ?

Apa dia masih bisa tetap tertawa lepas kek waktu masih di SCREW ?

Nobody knows .
Only god and himself who know abt that.

Tapi .
Walo mau bagaimanapun .
Aku harap ia tetap bisa seceria dulu , masih bisa tetep 'yuuto' yang dulu walau dia sekarang adalah 'miyagi isamu' .

I am here .
I am still supporting you .
And I'll always supporting you :)

Updated via mobile e-mail.
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Senin, 15 November 2010

gomen Ruisuuuuu~

again, setelah Umi, sekarang Ruisu..




maafkan diri ku Ruisu~
bahkan mengirimkan fanmail saja belum ..
jahatnya diri ku TT^TT

gomen gomen gomen gomen gomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen Ruisu TT^TT

but but but, late is better than never ne?

dakara ...



seperti tahun tahun sebelumnya, aku akan selalu mendoakan yang terbaik untuk mu.
GBU :)

i'll always support you too (●´ω`●)ゞ

Ruisu~ Happy Bday ne~(*⌒∇⌒*)


setelah bersabar-sabar menanti , kini saatnya saya sedikit "berlega" ria ! xD

karena ..


tak terasa besok udah tanggal 17 !
inget kan tanggal 17 artinya apa ? xDDD




semakin tak sabar ! (≧▽≦)

my beloved CD~
cepatlah sampai ke pangkuan kuuu~~~ xDD

kalau DUALITY sih, denger denger udah otw ke mari~
ga tau kalo rombongan CD Mujyoken delele =3=a

semoga selamat sampai tujuan my CD~ *bletak*
aku menanti mu di pekarangan rumah~~ #abaikan

[LYRIC] Drastic Slaver – SCREW

Drastic Slaver – SCREW

Lyric : Byo

Music : SCREW

Album/single : X-RAYS

Departure without end of slave ship

Wave of the hell

Whirlpool of death

Listless feelings, Grief-stricken mind

Blocked seed

Septic sewage

The history is repeated


Geragera warai korobu kikai jikakeno andoroido

Listless feelings, grief-stricken mind

Bloked seed

Septic sewage

Blue blazes

Gallows tree

That shout is a narrow dogma

Drastic Slaver


Psychopatic Disorder


Departure without end of slave ship

Wave of the hell

Whirlpool of death

Listless feelings, Grief-stricken mind

Blocked seed

Septic sewage

The history is repeated, why?

Laughing with its mouth wide open

An Android, a tumbling mechanic mind

Blocked seed

Septic sewage

Blue blazes

Gallows tree

That shout is a narrow dogma

Drastic Slaver


Psychopatic Disorder

[LYRIC] Answer - SCREW

Answer - SCREW

lyric by : Byo

music by: SCREW

album/single : X-RAYS

What does it matter ?

You can’t relieve me because I said the truth

Kotoumukeina Brave man

Akazuno file


Zettai kodoukushaga michibiku


“soko” ni


Nozomanu awaremino koe

“wakari au”

Aimaina kakewa

Ikiru saigono sentaku


What does it matter ?

You can’t relieve me because I said the truth

Absurb Brave man

An Unopened file


The absolutely lonely people lead


This voice of unwanted sadness

Which i touched


“understanding each other”

A vague bet

Is the last choice alive

Minggu, 14 November 2010








tiga hari ni orang tiada kabar, dan membiarkan ku hidup di tengah kegundahan karena tiada kabar baru dari dia setelah dia apdet blog dengan kata kata "kesepian" lagi di blognya -_____________-

kemana kamu ?
kenapa ga apdet ?
baik baik aja kan ?
aku khawatir ..


entah kenapa eke malah jadi kesal sendiri =3=

seandainya eke bisa, eke bisa kok nemanin kamu, selalu di samping kamu !
sebisa mungkin aku ga bikin kamu ngerasa kesepian.



lebay ?
oh oke gw emg lebay .
terserah deh ya gw mau di anggep lebay ato apadeh . terserah.
yang penting inilah aku -___-

oke, kembali ke yuuto .

gimana eke ga khawatir sama dia ?
dia udah galau itu, trus padat jadwal , eke mikirin gimana kesehatan fisik + mental dia.

sehat fisik tapi mental ga sehat ?
tetep aja ga SEHAT

sehat mental tapi ga sehat fisik ?

sumpah, selagi gw masih idup, masih bisa jalan, masih bisa bernafas.
eke pengen banget stay beside him, always give him a tons of love.

tapi sayanganya ga bisa TTT^TTT

itu smua cuma angan, DAN GA BAKAL BISA TERWUJUD !

gw siapa sih?
i'm just an ordinary girl. who can't do all i want by myself.
i'm ugly , ugly than ugly-er person in this world !
i'm stupid, stupid than the stupid person in this world!
i dont have "something" can i proud.

dan juga, aku ga pantas buat Yuuto :)


jadi, sekarang aku cuma bisa mendukung dan mendoakan dia dari jauh aja.
aku rasa aku cuma bisa begini :)

walaupun begitu..
i believe, somedays i'll meet him . touch him. hear his voice, and see his smile.

and one important things..

aku percaya, suatu saat nanti, aku bisa mengungkapkan semua ini di depannya :)

i love him
and he's so precious for me



タイトル●LIVE : BLITZKRIEG(ライヴ:ブリッツクリーグ)
~opening SE~
1. Frontier
2. Rebel:Sicks, Shadow:Six
3. s[K]ape:goat
5. flow snow
7. シェイド
8. The farthest
~drums solo~
9. G.A.L.D
11. Departure
12. F.T.O
13. Orion once again
<special additional>
15. Remember the rain



●SKULL ROSE:フォトカード(集合)
●little HEARTS.:アーティストフォトセット(5枚組)
●ZEAL LINK:サインプリント入りアーティストフォトセット(5枚組)+オリジナルロゴステッカー

★また、下記店舗にてご購入のお客様には「The farthest」PVメイキング映像DVDが特典として付きます。
●little HEARTS.


2010年秋・ワンマンツアー第2弾“BLITZKRIEG -Another Departure-”のファイナル追加公演・12/1渋谷O-EASTにて、ライヴDVD「LIVE:BLITZKRIEG」の【会場限定・先行販売】を行います!
●さらに、後日STAR GOODS SHOPで開始されるWEB通販用の特典写真も付きます。


Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Otsukare sama desu~

kemarin menurut laporan panjang lebar berbelit belit manabu *halah*, SCREW habis LIVE di kampung halaman Kazuki~ yep, Tottori .

dan katanya sebelum LIVE mereka sempat pergi berkunjung ke kediaman Kazuki, uhyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh EKE ENVY BERAT ! DDDx
pengen ikutan ke rumah Juki TTT^TTT

ok, kembali ke pembicaraan *bletak*

mereka ke rumah Juki buat ngadirin acara kondangan nikahan saudara cowo (kakak) si Kazuki~

yang jelas Kazuki senang banget denger sodaranya tersebut nikah..

setelah beberapa hari yang lalu dia apdet blog dan blg dia dapat telepon dari Ayahnya dan tiba2 ayahnya dan saudaranya tersebut cerita kalo bakal nikah , kegirangannya dia itu kliatan banget walo cuma lewat tulisan (o^-')b

dan udiknya lagi dia bilang "AKU GA SABAR BUAT PUNYA KEPONAKAN !" ROFLMAO~

dasar bocah tengil mesum *plak* ,, yah mau gimana lagi ya . KAzuki emang demen anak anak~
hyaaaa~ calon ayah yang baiklah dia buat anak anak kami di masa depan nanti *di bacok* lol~

terus, manabu juga bilang keluarga Kazuki baik-baik, mereka di jamu gitu deeeh xDD

dan manabu juga bilang, mereka di kasih souvenir souvenir gitu, terus di suruh makan lagi xD

tapi eke bingung..
soalnya manabu bilang begini ....


kok yang di sapa Isteri kakak.a Kazuki ? -____________________-a

ada pertanda tanda Manabu masih doyan cewe kah ? *plak*
ato pertanda2 Manabu pengen jadi mempelai wanita kek isteri kakaknya Juki kah ? *bhuaggh*

yaaaa~h itu smua hanya Manabu dan Tuhan yang tahu *halah*

dan, setelah dari acara kondangan ntu, mreka langsung pergi siap siap konser~

dan hasilnya sekitar pukul 2 malam ato lebih <-- lupa

Kazuki bilang 鳥取最高だった!ありがとう! (tottori saikodatta ! arigatou !)

masih idup aja tu orang jam segono =w=b
padahal udah abis dr kondangan langsung lanjut LIVE..
blom lagi ngamar bareng eke *bletak*
tenaga ekstra dari maning coba ye ? =w=a

sing penting Juki tetep bisa jaga kesehatan dan tetep FIT seperti biasa xD

and then~

Otsukaresama desu naa Kazuki-san~
Kyou mo Ganbarimasu yo !!!

atashi ha Kazuki-san ga Itsumo Aishite !


malem malem tengah malem di malem malem tengah malem

seperti biasa eke ngalong tengah malem~ xD

yah, dalam keadaan terpuruk lantaran dilarang makan malam diatas jam 8 malam, saya kini ssedang terbaring lemas kelaparan di kamar *halah*
dan saya pun sekarang ingin menyatakan kalo fic terbaru eke yang berfandomkan SCREW dan berjudul REMEMBER, saya nyatakan RESMI ...................................... NGE-STAG ! *gubraaaaaaaaaaak*

gomen ya minna <-- kek ada yg perduli aja xD

dan lalu..
eke bertanya tanya..

kenapa para jeroker itu HOBBY sekali ngepost piku makanan makanan ???


saking lapernya eke sekarang ampe bener bener dan nyaris ngiler berember ember lietnya #plak.

yah, mau apa dikata ..
besok pagi ae lah hantam nasi sampe puas ! xDDDD

oh iya !

Jumat, 12 November 2010


ya, gw emang bukan fans berat mereka.
ga terlalu apdet tentang mereka, dan belom lama suka musik mereka, belum sampai hitungan genap setahun.

tapi, gw bohong kalo emang gw blg gw ga suka lagu lagu mereka.

Utakata, lagu pertama yang aku dengar dari mereka..
lagu yang benar benar nikmat untuk di dengar, petikan halus dawai koto Shin, alunan suara merdu Isshi, petikan gitar Akiya, dengungan bass nao, dan ketukan drum Izumi.
semuanya begitu serasi dalam sebuah melodi..

dari 10 tahun lamanya mereka berdiri, gw memang fans yang baru masuk 1 tahun terakhir dalam sejarah perjalanan panjang mereka, tapi .. musik mereka sangat berpengaruh bagi gw.

10 tahun, ya 10 tahun ..
lama bukan ?
dari LIVE konser mereka yang hanya di tonton beberapa/puluhan orang, sampai LIVE mereka yang di tonton ratusan, bahkan ratusan penonton.
ya, itu semua 10 tahun lamanya.
10 tahun..

dan sangat di sayangkan 10tahun kebersamaan itu akan segera terpecah..

selaku fans saya sangat kecewa, namun apa yang hendak di kata..
itu sudah keputusan mereka, dan saya bukanlah siapa siapa yang bisa melarang mereka mengambil keputusan ini.

yah, setidaknya aku bangga telah mencintai musik mereka ^^
Isshi yang diam diam pemalu, Akiya yan sedikit autis *plak*, Shin yang mulai ikutan Autis, Nao yang memang Autis, dan Izumi yang tak kalah Autis #plak


Isshi, Akiya, Shin, Nao, Izumi..
and, Kagrra ..

i'll miss all of you..
and then...

Goodbye Kagrra...
we will miss you..

Senin, 08 November 2010

setelah sekian lama ...

setelah nungguin 5 hari setelah rilis, AKHIRNYA SAYA MENEMUKAN JUGA LINK DOWNLOAD LOVE BUNNY - REAL LOVE NYA BREAKERZ !!!!! *joget memeshikute*


oh geiii oh geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeii !

kyaaaa~ 8(>o<)8

padahal awal nonton pv.a eke misuh2 gara2 model itu pv, eh ujung2nya pas nemu adegan "HOT"nya eke malah langsung mendadak jd berubah ke hyper mode !! xDDD

ini PVnya .

oh gei~
bagi yang nonton saya sarahkan segera menyiapkan ember untuk menampung iler dan mimisan anda ! xD

dan begitu liet itu pv, alhasil otak ero(r) eke langsung merespon buat cari lirik lagunya. dan ...

here we go ..


Words: DAIGO
Music: DAIGO

itagaru boku wo mite anata ni higatsuita
namanurui yoru nante shinken ni iranain da

motto ijimete motto ijimete

michibiite sono te de TOBIsou ni naru kurai
sasayaite sono koe de hadaka ni naru mae ni

tsumetai hitomi de motto hageshiku aishitsukushite yo
kimi wo miageru tabi ni boku wa SUREIBU ni narisou sa

ekitai tarenagasu koukotsuna hyoujou ni
RIARU wo kanjirun da engi nante nozon ja nai
motto ijimete motto ijimete
genkai nante konya issho ni koetai kara

tsumetai hitomi de motto hageshiku aishitsukushite yo
kimi wo miageru tabi ni boku wa SUREIBU ni narisou sa
kurushisou uwamezukai de midara na ai wo kanjitai
“anta ga hoshii mono wa ato de chanto houbi ageru kara”

tsumetai hitomi de motto hageshiku aishitsukushite yo
kimi wo miageru tabi ni boku wa SUREIBU ni narisou sa
kurushisou uwamezukai de midara na ai wo kanjitai
“anta ga hoshii mono wa ato de chanto houbi ageru kara”


Look at me, I’m aching
You set me on fire
No need for a lukewarm night

Tease me more, tease me more

Guide me with those hands
Til I’m about to jump
Whisper with that voice
Before we undress

With those piercing eyes
Love me hard ’til there’s no more
Everytime I look up at you, I feel like becoming your slave

Juices flow, eyes entranced
I feel it’s real, I’m not hoping it’s an act
Tease me more, tease me more
Tonight, let’s cross our limits together

With those piercing eyes
Love me hard ’til there’s no more
Everytime I look up at you, I feel like becoming your slave
Looking up with eyes that show pain
I want to feel a dirty love
“Ssh, I’ll reward you with a price later.”

With those piercing eyes
Love me hard ’til there’s no more
Everytime I look up at you, I feel like becoming your slave
Looking up with eyes that show pain
I want to feel a dirty love
“Ssh, I’ll reward you with a price later.”


dan, terus ..
ini pv katanya dibikin gr2 hasrat dan kemaso-an bang Daigo yang ga kesampean ! <-- ga ngerti sebenernya ama yg di maksud daigo xD

yang penting eke cuma bs blg satu ..


dan terakhir ini ..


"Nobody can stop our secret anymore." DAIGO's shocking kissing scene with guitarist AKIHIDE.

Musician/talento DAIGO's shocking kissing scene has been revealed to the public. His partner? BREAKERZ' handsome guitarist AKIHIDE. The two good-looking men are featured in a lovely kissing scene in the magazine Ori★Sta.

Released on 11/3, BREAKERZ' new single "BUNNY LOVE/REAL LOVE 2010" is definitely sexual, as DAIGO himself said that, "This single was made in hopes of showing the sex appeal that I didn't get to show when I was younger." BUNNY LOVE" is about a rabbit in a year-round mating season, while "REAL LOVE" has a masochistic theme. With this sexy single, a special shoot was done by Ori★Sta: an issue fraught with kissing photos.

The location of the shoot was in a hotel in the city. It starts with all three members of BREAKERZ in suits. The premise was that AKIHIDE and SHINPEI are flatmates and that DAIGO had come to visit. With requests from the staff, the shooting became more intense with each cut. During the shooting where members were with their suits off, half naked with the buttons of their shirts open, the members were active in giving their opinions and choosing their poses. And then comes the kissing scene between DAIGO and AKIHIDE. Whenever BREAKERZ plays "REAL LOVE" in their concerts, DAIGO snatches AKIHIDE's lips with a kiss, but in this shoot they were requested to do it naturally, which made both of them seem rather shy. With the atmosphere getting more intense as time passed by, however, the two exchanged sexy, bewitching, and with a tinge of embarassment kisses. A never before seen side of BREAKERZ is captured in this exceedingly sexy photo shoot.

The 11/15 edition of the weekly magazine Ori★Sta goes on sale on 11/5.

*ujung2nya kopas xD*

credit to seiret@Lj aramatheydidnt.comm@lj , dan @itong_pingu yg udah ngasih tau eke xD

lyric credit to

Minggu, 07 November 2010

[Interview] ARENA37c SPECIAL #72 SCREW - Byo X Jin

-- What was it like when the two of you first met?

Byo : It was my approach for once. When forming SCREW I was looking for members, and while searching various bands, I found Jin's homepage. When I saw his photos I just thought: "That's him!" I had decided this for myself. This is how I came about "meeting" Jin on the one hand.

Jin : My former band has just disbanded and all that was left, was my own homepage. And Byo saw it. I was asked by about 50 people, yet since I wanted to change the fields, when Byo contacted me, so I refused him, too. However, he was really passionate about meeting at least once. So we met once.

-- Does this mean, Jin-kun didn't know about Byo-kun's existence then?

Jin : I knew about him. With his former band, Byo had also been in magazines, so when he contacted me, I though "Oh that's him, from that magazine."

Byo : At first I was only contacting him by mail, yet he never wrote back, there was no answer and I thought we might not be able to meet. Accordingly, it took a long time until we were actually able to get together eventually. The time of unrequited interest/love was really long. And when we eventually met, I thought that I am not letting go just here.(laughs)

-- Eventually you could convince him, right?

Byo : The prey I am aiming for is surely something I'll make mine!

-- In private, too?

Byo : Eh?! Well,well.

Jin : Ahahahahaha!!(laughs) The element of surprise. (laughs) But I think his strength of endurance was very high, because I really didn't contact him at all and didn't show the slightest bit of interest. Yet, Byo was the one who confronted me just like that.

-- He was deeply in love. So what was your first impression?

Jin : I thought that he was a lot more scary, yet I was surprised of how much of a mood maker he was. When we first played music together, at that moment, I already thought that I wanted to do this with him. I thought that his charm was lying in his humanity.

Byo : That's not true!! You said : "Please let me think about this a little longer."

Jin : That's what I said with my mouth. (laughs) Even though I had been rejecting anyone until then, if I had said yes just right away, then I might have been thought of as a superficial person. That's why.

Byo : That was it?! (laughs) And then the next time? We went to the studio together and bowed deeply, saying "From here on...!" (laughs) From there on we were very open with each other right away. My first impression of Jin was that he was really a cool guy.

-- Next year it will be five years since the formation of the band as well as five years since you have met?

Byo : Yes, it will be. As it is right now, we are really good friends. That is the mutual feeling. The feeling as if we had known each other even before elementary school seems like a given. Relaxed like that.

-- Are there similarities between you?

Jin : I am usually a shy person in front of others, but Byo is not like that at all. However, when we are together, we are both cool like that.

Byo : It happens a lot that all of a sudden we say the same things. (laughs) We are on the same level of things.

-- However, Jin-kun is often bullied by Byo-kun, isn't he?

Byo : I am the bullying and Jin is the bullied character. (laughs) In the band it is normal like that, too, where I am the offending character and
Jin is the protecting character. If we were married, I'd be the dad and he'd be the mom. Somehow, this example is kinda gay. (laughs)

Jin : Ahahaahaha (laughs) When speaking of similarities, it would probably be the things we laugh about. (laughs) Well, with SCREW the leader is Kazuki, however, I think that on the moral o thing, Byo is the leader-character that supports the other band members. Because I can't do things like that, I really think that's great. On a mental level, Byo really supports me in that way.

Byo : On that level, Jin is also a great support for myself. As our characters are pretty much the opposite, I think that is a great motivation, which I think helps me a lot. When I fail, he is like a cushion for me. That's kinda gay, too. (laughs)

-- It's fine, after all you are friends. (laughs) Are you the same age?

Jin : We are. The school level is the same, too.

-- Well, the music you listen to and the music you like is it similar, too?

Byo : It is. I started out with the Japanese music my parents listened to and in middle school I would get into X Japan, which I had borrowed
from a friend. From there I started liking Visual-kei and such. However, Jin's perspective is a lot wider. I was mainly listening to domestic music, yet Jin also always listened to foreign music.

Jin : I was also listening to foreign metal and such. When I started with the band, I was listening to a lot of punk and hard core, however, when I was little I also listened to a lot of domestic music as well. It happened a lot that we listened to the same music from the same time and there are lots of mutual feelings as such. The two of us also have the same likes for pop music, as well as hard and dark song.

-- What are the two of you usually talking about?

Byo : I am just bullying Jin. (laughs)

-- Even when you are together on your own?

Byo : Yes, because it's fun! (laughs)

Jin : Well, it has become quite normal for me to be made fun of. It doesn't feel a lot like being bullied anymore. (laughs) However, since we have the same taste in clothing and things we like, that is something we also talk about. However, Byo's influence in my clothing style is pretty big. When I met Byo, pretty much the clothes I liked changed a lot.

-- To Byo-kun’s favor?

Jin : No, that's not the case. (laughs) It's terrible that there is always this gay-image attached to it. (laughs)

-- Well, to prove you are not gay, let's talk about your favorite type of girls then. (laughs)

Byo : Ah that's good! (laughs) The types we like are certainly different. I like people, who use the right amount of make-up, are beautiful and have a strong, flashy air. Jin, however, likes the cute girls more. He'd even like those between the age of 8 and 14. (laughs)

Jin : Because our taste is different, right? (laughs) I'd be a dangerous person if I liked girls from the age 8 to 14. Please don't say things that give a weird impression on me. (laughs) However, as compared to Byo, the range of what I like is wider, as it is with music. (laughs) I don't really like the listless, boring girls and rather prefer those with a lighter nature.

Byo : No one really likes listless, boring girls. (laughs) I, rather than showing of, I’d rather let the other one show off.

-- Even though you do look like the type to show off.

Jin : That's the gap in his aura xD

-- The gap in his aura? (laughs) Certainly! (laughs) Ok, let's get back to talking about clothes, shall we? (laughs)

Byo : Earlier, Jin was a lot more casual in his Kumamoto-style.

Jin : After all I am from Kumamoto. (laughs) Well, that's a little like the underground Shibuya-kei style. (laughs) I've been wearing a lot of loose, casual type of clothing.(laughs) However, when I met Byo I thought his style was really cool. I really respect him for this kind of sense greatly.

-- You two really have a good relationship to each other. What are the lyrics Jin-kun would like most, as you know Byo-kun as he normally is?

Jin : I certainly like the lyrics, which are coming directly from the normal Byo. There are these mutual feelings to that. As of late I came to think that the lyrics of "Cursed Hurricane" are extremely real to my own feelings as well. Among those difficult words, there are words that bare the feelings of it. He is certainly a person to put out his feelings and within the lyrics you can also see that, which is the gap in his aura again.(laughs)

Byo : (laughs) I really don't want to write lyrics that sound like a diary. Just like lyrics that are going with the trend. However, when screaming lyrics too difficult, I can't bring things across. I know that much. Therefore I would like to throw out the emotions to where you can feel the deep meaning behind. I hope I can bring that across. Eventually...I'd really just like to show off.

Jin : Well. But I think that is what makes Byo, Byo. I think that bringing something into the dialogue like that is very much like Byo, too.

-- It is. Well, people who would really just like to show off would probably not bring this up in the dialogue like that. This is a very human approach.

Jin : It is. I think that Byo as well as SCREW are not a band that is easy to understand in terms of the real intentions. However, once the real motive is understood, a deep kind of affection can be build. Byo's lyrics are also very mutual with the feelings of most guys, I think. I really like that.

Byo : And eventually we were not able to distance ourselves from that gay image. (laughs) Either way, from here on, I really hope that as band members and as friends, that Jin and I can keep walking through troublesome times as well together.


ini scan-an-nya~



[Interview] ARENA37c SPECIAL #73 SCREW - Kazuki - Manabu - Rui

-- Is it OK if we start from where you have met each other?

Kazuki : Rui and I have known each other for a long time already. There was someone we both knew and the first time we talked was probably at a live house.

-- Had you been in different bands at that time?

Rui : I was in my band and Kazuki was in the band of a friend of mine. It was still at a time, when we were about to or not about to graduate from high school.

-- So this is how long you have already been acquainted to each other. What has Manabu done at that time?

Manabu : I was probably in Osaka at that time, because only after I finished school I left for Tokyo. The moment I met Kazuki, was by the chance of (forming) SCREW.

Kazuki : At that time, I really wanted to have another guitarist in the band, so I had been looking for band members and an acquaintance introduced me to Manabu. That was how I met him.

Manabu : That was about three years ago at this point. It's been about four and a half year since the formation of SCREW, yet, during the first year, I joined the band. As for Rui, I had seen him play in his old band, seen like that I already knew him. The moment I really met him, was when we eventually talked about him joining SCREW.

-- I see. So what was your first impression of each other?

Manabu : The first time I met Kazuki was at a cafe or so and even though we had just met at that very moment, I let him eat parfait from my spoon, like "aahh"... (laughs)

-- That's the kind of game you like, Kazuki-kun?

Kazuki : That's more like Byo and Jin. (laughs)

Manabu : (laughs) At that time, I was a little late to the time I had promised to come, so it was kinda to make up for it. (laughs) That's still what it's like today and it's Kazuki natural self, yet because it was the first face-to-face meeting, the impression still remains strongly. (laughs) Rui on the other hand I sort of knew. In the band he previously played, his hair was really long and completely red and I thought that he was a very scary person. Yet, when I actually met him, I noticed that he wasn't scary at all and actually there was this gap of his, being a really gentle fellow.

Kazuki : My first impression of Manabu was, that he had a very cool aura, a high school student that looked like someone who'd not get into a circle of friends without resistance. And he was someone who drinks a lot of coffee (laughs).

-- Even though he is pale like that.

Manabu : But that has DEFINITELY nothing to do with it right?

All : That was drastic! (outburst of laughter)

-- It's a bit of a random image, but I think he is more of the tea-type person.

Kazuki : Certainly. (laughs) However, sometimes Manabu has this kind of stern preciseness coming through now and then. (laughs) My first impression of Rui...I can't remember how I first met him, so I can't remember the first impression. (laughs) However, before he joined SCREW there was this shocking "mew".

--- M..mew?

Kazuki : Yes. (laughs) There was a time, when he was in a rather cute band.

Manabu : Yes, yes! Honestly, I was also a little surprised about this "mew". From the first band I knew him, he was in an extremely heavy band, being sort of a sadistic bassist, but that was an extreme metamorphosis.

Rui : Ahahaahaha! Well, that's been part of my personal history. (laughs) I have a lot experienced in my life.

-- Incredible, that really must be the utmost gap in his aura.

Kazuki : That's certainly one of the great points about Rui. Yet, in that aspect I too, thought he was a very unapproachable person, because he had left a scary impression. But actually he is really fluffy.

Rui : ahahahaha (laughs) My first impression of Kazuki was, that he was a very correct person, when concerning etiquette. As for Manabu, he seemed to be a serious person you wouldn't be able to make laugh even with a joke. He is actually a very shy person, and in the beginning we didn't talk very much.

Manabu : We didn't. Jin is also someone who is rather shy in front of others, yet, he is sort of a different type. (laughs) Therefore, at the beginning, Jin and I really didn't talk very much overall. Yet, with Rui it was kinda a natural opening up to him, because he really broke down that wall.

Kazuki : All members except Rui were facing a number of worries, when our previous bassist quit. He possessed the strength to overcome this trouble of those four of us, which meant, that with Rui joining the band and with five members as a whole again, it was a new start and a make-over of those feelings. We got the positive feeling that we can continue from there on.

Manabu : Since the quitting of a members is always a big thing for a band, he has saved us with a very good atmosphere. With Rui entering the band, we were once more able to look ahead positively.

Rui : However, it was also thanks to the four of them, who created a very good atmosphere to actually enter the band. I thought that I can work hard with these four people and that I really wanted to give my best with them together. Honestly.

-- You really do have a great relationship. Do you know the part of you which resemble each other or which are not alike at all?

Manabu : Me and Kazuki are complete opposites in character, I think. Kazuki is really social and outgoing, while I am completely introverted.

Kazuki : Yes, exactly. However, that also shows in the guitar-play as such. (laughs)

Manabu : Yeah. And on a musical basis as much as usual, Kazuki is certainly the one, who has a lot of overlapping opinions, it's really mysterious. From my perspective Kazuki and Rui have very many friends, they are very sociable and close, it seems.

Kazuki : That's because the other three (Byo, Jin, Manabu) are not very sociable in general. (laughs) They are all shy boys.

Rui : Yet, when you get to know the three of them, they are not like that at all! (laughs) It just takes a lot of time to get there eventually.

Kazuki : Yeah. Uhm...can I have some of that? (He says and takes some of the rice omelets, which Manabu had ordered)

Manabu : Go ahead. It's really good.

Rui : This is really what it's always like. (laughs)

-- So what is your favorite type of girls? Ah, but wait, came I try to guess?

Manabu : Yes, please try to guess it DEFINITELY.

Rui : He's said "definitely" again. (laughs)

Kazuki : That "definitely" was the sort of challenging in the way that "If you think you can do it then do it!" (laughs)

Manabu : No, I thought it was interesting. Like, how are you looking at it, kinda?

-- Of course. (laughs) Rui is the one would likes the little sister type to spoil. Kazuki likes the more grown up type, the beautiful girls with soft curled hair. And Manabu is into the friend-like, natural kind of girls. Right?

Kazuki : For me it was correct. However, I have a rather wide ranging taste, so I like the cute-type as much as the beautiful-type. But not just from the looks. More that I get never tired of being together and girls with a good “mood” are nice. So when it comes to the type, I'd pass that on to Manabu. (heart)

Manabu : Huh?? Let's not go there! For me the "strike zone" (strike as in bowling) is pretty wide. It could be anyone from 14 to 40 years. (laughs) I am not very particular about the looks, but someone I can have a good time with when being together, would be nice....just like Rui.

Rui : Huh?? That's the way things are moving on? (laughs) Well, certainly a good flow. (laughs)

Kazuki : Hey! If Rui now chooses me, then we complete this triangle relationship.

Rui : Well, then that's what I am going to do. (laughs) It is like that, actually. Someone I can share my hobbies with would be nice. Someone who is cute, which is yet not necessarily obvious. (laughs) So when referring to that, I'd go with Ka-chan. (heart)

Kazuki : Great, triangle relationship complete. (great excitement)

Manabu : That's probably nothing to be THAT happy about. (determined)

Rui : Ahahahahahah, there he goes again all "determinedly."

-- Well, then what are your ambitions from here on.

Kazuki : I hope we can incorporate into the sound what SCREW is like with these new five members. We have started again from zero with Rui joining and I think that within this one year we need approval by a number of people, starting out with the fans, therefore, we can do nothing but work hard.

Rui : I think we can make good music with the incredible relationship of ours. Since Kazuki as the leader is pulling us along, I hope that we can build this into the sound of the new band SCREW together as five people. (At that instant Kazuki passes him 10Yen, much like the bride for his praise.)

Manabu : This is something very personal; however to me Kazuki is really a very "humane" person. As a leader, he is working extremely hard, and while he is dragging us all along with him, he also has this taste to himself, that he is not perfect. With that at the heart of it, he always wants us to support him, while he also supports all of us with this feeling we share. And I think that this feeling of a band's relationship definitely reflects in the sound. In that sense, just like the other two said, with the five of us, who we are now, the sound changes and I hope the band SCREW will be even better from here on. (That said, Kazuki hands him 50Yen. laughs)

Rui : Oh! That's 40Yen more than me!

Kazuki : Ahahahaha! In the end it became this sort of incredible interview, sorry about that. (laughs)


berulang ulang kali baca tranlate-an ini bener2 bikin mewek pas baca bagian ini ...

Kazuki : All members except Rui were facing a number of worries, when our previous bassist quit. He possessed the strength to overcome this trouble of those four of us, which meant, that with Rui joining the band and with five members as a whole again, it was a new start and a make-over of those feelings. We got the positive feeling that we can continue from there on.

entah kenapa sakit banget bacanya T.T

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