and surely on Tantan's home !

happy !!

here the PICK

front side of the pick

i am so happy to have this pick !
i love the colors ! it's BLACK ! and PINK !
and the important thing is ---> IT'S YUUTO'S PICK !!!

this pick will come with my DEEP SIX, !

but just heard from Tantan, my DEEP SIX (limited type A) will arrived in Indonesia on 31-dec-2011 (T_T)
thats bcoz Tantan's Ayumi Hamasaki's album will postponed till 31-dec-2011 o(;△;)o
i hope thats just a hoax

tapi tantan juga bilang, DEEP SIX type limited B n X-RAYS-nya ga barengan DEEP SIX type A, soalnya di order di yesasia, moga aja yang itu ga ada kendala apa2, amin ,
besok udah tanggal 20 ! 4 hari menuju DEEP SIX !

can't wait for my copies !!!!
ah !
pelantikan osis hari ini 100% SUKSES !!

walo lapangan beycheyk, tapi tadi enak enak aja tuh walo rok + spatu ampe blepotan lumpur

yang penting udah SUKSES !
and abt my biology mid test !
it's tottally

i can do the test~
it's easy

synonym and pharmacology mid test will be delayed till next week ! (* ̄Oノ ̄*)
my class just get a new recipe ( ̄へ  ̄ 凸
will do my journal tomorrow

good bye my nice weekend (/_;)/~~
i'll miss you *halah*
that's all
yuyuto19's deshita

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