-- Is it OK if we start from where you have met each other?
Kazuki : Rui and I have known each other for a long time already. There was someone we both knew and the first time we talked was probably at a live house.
-- Had you been in different bands at that time?
Rui : I was in my band and Kazuki was in the band of a friend of mine. It was still at a time, when we were about to or not about to graduate from high school.
-- So this is how long you have already been acquainted to each other. What has Manabu done at that time?
Manabu : I was probably in Osaka at that time, because only after I finished school I left for Tokyo. The moment I met Kazuki, was by the chance of (forming) SCREW.
Kazuki : At that time, I really wanted to have another guitarist in the band, so I had been looking for band members and an acquaintance introduced me to Manabu. That was how I met him.
Manabu : That was about three years ago at this point. It's been about four and a half year since the formation of SCREW, yet, during the first year, I joined the band. As for Rui, I had seen him play in his old band, seen like that I already knew him. The moment I really met him, was when we eventually talked about him joining SCREW.
-- I see. So what was your first impression of each other?
Manabu : The first time I met Kazuki was at a cafe or so and even though we had just met at that very moment, I let him eat parfait from my spoon, like "aahh"... (laughs)
-- That's the kind of game you like, Kazuki-kun?
Kazuki : That's more like Byo and Jin. (laughs)
Manabu : (laughs) At that time, I was a little late to the time I had promised to come, so it was kinda to make up for it. (laughs) That's still what it's like today and it's Kazuki natural self, yet because it was the first face-to-face meeting, the impression still remains strongly. (laughs) Rui on the other hand I sort of knew. In the band he previously played, his hair was really long and completely red and I thought that he was a very scary person. Yet, when I actually met him, I noticed that he wasn't scary at all and actually there was this gap of his, being a really gentle fellow.
Kazuki : My first impression of Manabu was, that he had a very cool aura, a high school student that looked like someone who'd not get into a circle of friends without resistance. And he was someone who drinks a lot of coffee (laughs).
-- Even though he is pale like that.
Manabu : But that has DEFINITELY nothing to do with it right?
All : That was drastic! (outburst of laughter)
-- It's a bit of a random image, but I think he is more of the tea-type person.
Kazuki : Certainly. (laughs) However, sometimes Manabu has this kind of stern preciseness coming through now and then. (laughs) My first impression of Rui...I can't remember how I first met him, so I can't remember the first impression. (laughs) However, before he joined SCREW there was this shocking "mew".
--- M..mew?
Kazuki : Yes. (laughs) There was a time, when he was in a rather cute band.
Manabu : Yes, yes! Honestly, I was also a little surprised about this "mew". From the first band I knew him, he was in an extremely heavy band, being sort of a sadistic bassist, but that was an extreme metamorphosis.
Rui : Ahahaahaha! Well, that's been part of my personal history. (laughs) I have a lot experienced in my life.
-- Incredible, that really must be the utmost gap in his aura.
Kazuki : That's certainly one of the great points about Rui. Yet, in that aspect I too, thought he was a very unapproachable person, because he had left a scary impression. But actually he is really fluffy.
Rui : ahahahaha (laughs) My first impression of Kazuki was, that he was a very correct person, when concerning etiquette. As for Manabu, he seemed to be a serious person you wouldn't be able to make laugh even with a joke. He is actually a very shy person, and in the beginning we didn't talk very much.
Manabu : We didn't. Jin is also someone who is rather shy in front of others, yet, he is sort of a different type. (laughs) Therefore, at the beginning, Jin and I really didn't talk very much overall. Yet, with Rui it was kinda a natural opening up to him, because he really broke down that wall.
Kazuki : All members except Rui were facing a number of worries, when our previous bassist quit. He possessed the strength to overcome this trouble of those four of us, which meant, that with Rui joining the band and with five members as a whole again, it was a new start and a make-over of those feelings. We got the positive feeling that we can continue from there on.
Manabu : Since the quitting of a members is always a big thing for a band, he has saved us with a very good atmosphere. With Rui entering the band, we were once more able to look ahead positively.
Rui : However, it was also thanks to the four of them, who created a very good atmosphere to actually enter the band. I thought that I can work hard with these four people and that I really wanted to give my best with them together. Honestly.
-- You really do have a great relationship. Do you know the part of you which resemble each other or which are not alike at all?
Manabu : Me and Kazuki are complete opposites in character, I think. Kazuki is really social and outgoing, while I am completely introverted.
Kazuki : Yes, exactly. However, that also shows in the guitar-play as such. (laughs)
Manabu : Yeah. And on a musical basis as much as usual, Kazuki is certainly the one, who has a lot of overlapping opinions, it's really mysterious. From my perspective Kazuki and Rui have very many friends, they are very sociable and close, it seems.
Kazuki : That's because the other three (Byo, Jin, Manabu) are not very sociable in general. (laughs) They are all shy boys.
Rui : Yet, when you get to know the three of them, they are not like that at all! (laughs) It just takes a lot of time to get there eventually.
Kazuki : Yeah. Uhm...can I have some of that? (He says and takes some of the rice omelets, which Manabu had ordered)
Manabu : Go ahead. It's really good.
Rui : This is really what it's always like. (laughs)
-- So what is your favorite type of girls? Ah, but wait, came I try to guess?
Manabu : Yes, please try to guess it DEFINITELY.
Rui : He's said "definitely" again. (laughs)
Kazuki : That "definitely" was the sort of challenging in the way that "If you think you can do it then do it!" (laughs)
Manabu : No, I thought it was interesting. Like, how are you looking at it, kinda?
-- Of course. (laughs) Rui is the one would likes the little sister type to spoil. Kazuki likes the more grown up type, the beautiful girls with soft curled hair. And Manabu is into the friend-like, natural kind of girls. Right?
Kazuki : For me it was correct. However, I have a rather wide ranging taste, so I like the cute-type as much as the beautiful-type. But not just from the looks. More that I get never tired of being together and girls with a good “mood” are nice. So when it comes to the type, I'd pass that on to Manabu. (heart)
Manabu : Huh?? Let's not go there! For me the "strike zone" (strike as in bowling) is pretty wide. It could be anyone from 14 to 40 years. (laughs) I am not very particular about the looks, but someone I can have a good time with when being together, would be nice....just like Rui.
Rui : Huh?? That's the way things are moving on? (laughs) Well, certainly a good flow. (laughs)
Kazuki : Hey! If Rui now chooses me, then we complete this triangle relationship.
Rui : Well, then that's what I am going to do. (laughs) It is like that, actually. Someone I can share my hobbies with would be nice. Someone who is cute, which is yet not necessarily obvious. (laughs) So when referring to that, I'd go with Ka-chan. (heart)
Kazuki : Great, triangle relationship complete. (great excitement)
Manabu : That's probably nothing to be THAT happy about. (determined)
Rui : Ahahahahahah, there he goes again all "determinedly."
-- Well, then what are your ambitions from here on.
Kazuki : I hope we can incorporate into the sound what SCREW is like with these new five members. We have started again from zero with Rui joining and I think that within this one year we need approval by a number of people, starting out with the fans, therefore, we can do nothing but work hard.
Rui : I think we can make good music with the incredible relationship of ours. Since Kazuki as the leader is pulling us along, I hope that we can build this into the sound of the new band SCREW together as five people. (At that instant Kazuki passes him 10Yen, much like the bride for his praise.)
Manabu : This is something very personal; however to me Kazuki is really a very "humane" person. As a leader, he is working extremely hard, and while he is dragging us all along with him, he also has this taste to himself, that he is not perfect. With that at the heart of it, he always wants us to support him, while he also supports all of us with this feeling we share. And I think that this feeling of a band's relationship definitely reflects in the sound. In that sense, just like the other two said, with the five of us, who we are now, the sound changes and I hope the band SCREW will be even better from here on. (That said, Kazuki hands him 50Yen. laughs)
Rui : Oh! That's 40Yen more than me!
Kazuki : Ahahahaha! In the end it became this sort of incredible interview, sorry about that. (laughs)
berulang ulang kali baca tranlate-an ini bener2 bikin mewek pas baca bagian ini ...
Kazuki : All members except Rui were facing a number of worries, when our previous bassist quit. He possessed the strength to overcome this trouble of those four of us, which meant, that with Rui joining the band and with five members as a whole again, it was a new start and a make-over of those feelings. We got the positive feeling that we can continue from there on.entah kenapa sakit banget bacanya T.T
dan ini Scan-an-nya~