hai~ dalam rangka ga ada kerjaan luar biasa saya memutuskan untuk ngedaftar sosok sosok bishie favorite saya :33 yosh~'kita mulai ~!
1. Hyde - L'Arc~en~Ciel
sebenernya ini oom udah ga bisa di bilang bishie lagi ya ? secara umur udah 41 tahun xDD lol~ dan kalau di tanya, dari mana saya kenal Hyde ? saya kenal Hyde pertamakali lewat salah satu soundtrack anime Samurai X yang berjudul the 4th Avenue Cafe~ yep .. semenjak denger itu lagu saya langsung suka sama Laruku :33
2. Aoi - the GazettE
ya ya ya~ pasti ente ente smua kenal sama ni oom ogeb berwajah perv nan tengil autis ga ktulungan xD hai~! Aoi ato akrab di panggil Mujaer ato Gurame xD lol Awo demikian saya memanggil.a ,, pertama suka Awo pas jaman Cassis :33 dan itu juga karena KARMA , itu semua gara-gara ngatain Aoi jelek dsb *ga tega ngomong.a xD* Aoi ini masuk kedalam list 5 Bishie yg paling saya Admire sampe sekarang dengan posisi paling atas xD he is my first love in Visual Kei :33
3. Bou - Ex. Ancafe
Bou~ kyaa atashi no kawaii uke~ *plak* i mean ,, atashi no Kawaii nee-chan ! ups, i mean Nii-chan ! xD sebenernya terlalu sayang buat manggil dia nii-chan, secara mukanya cantik melebihi cewe ! auh ,, pokoknya si Bou ini Nee-chan ini atashi no nee-chan yg paling ane sayang dah xD lol
4. Tora - Alice Nine
MY BELOVED SEXY EXOTIC EROTIC TIGER PAPA !!! lol~ ya, si akang macan yang punya pisang tanduk luar biasa ini adalah Papahku ! #ngarepdotkom feromonnya Tora emang ga nahan, apa lagi kalo lagi main Gitar~ GROAAAARR *dies* sudahlah, tak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata lagi *Q*
5. Die - Dir En Grey
6. Nao - Kagrra
N to the A to the O ! NAO ! lol yah, si akang iting iting autis tapi cantik ini juga masuk list bishie favorite saya xD dia autis ?? MEMANG dia gila ?? MEMANG dia cakep ?? SALAH BESAR !! NAO ITU CANTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKK !! lol
7. Yasuno - Kra
aheeeeeeey,, my seksoi doramu ! kyah~ ga nahan deh kalo liet senyumnya akang Yasu >w< style="font-weight: bold;">8. Aki - SID
Akiiiiiiiiiiii oh akang Akiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ mamas ganteng~ mamas bassist cakeeeeeep~ auh~ i lop yuh full mas~! lol haduduh, pertama kali liet piku anak2 SID saya langsung pol in lop sama Aki , cakep ?? iya dooong~! Aki gitu loooh~ cakep tiada taraaaaa~ Dan ente2 smua musti tau, saya makin nge-fans sama Aki setelah liet piku TATTOO DIA ! MAKJAAAAAAAAAAN~! *Q*
9. IV - ViViD
have a bright skin , have a super cute face , have a sexiest lips , have a GREAT FEROMON , and he is so YOUNG ! and one IMPORTANT THINGS, HE LOVES MAMESHIBA !! who ? PASTINYA IVU DONG~! ahey~ my cutie brother kawaii sweety beibeh~ xD my mameshibaaa~ #plak cowok imut dengan usia 19 tahun ini adalah bishie termuda di dalam daftar saya xD lol uuuh~ Ivumame~ i love you brooooo~~
10. Sujk - Deluhi
punya nama unik sepanjang sejarah Visual Kei mungkin menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri dari Drummer Deluhi ini , namun MEMILIKI WAJAH YANG BISA BIKIN ANDA KEJEP KEJEP itu kebahagiaan luar biasa bagi Saya dan Sujk #plak lol yap~ Sujk atau akrab di sapa Sujek ini selain memilik wajah yang NaudJUBILLE, dia juga punya kebiasaan yg pasti bisa bikin kita bilang ni bocah "TOLOL" lol yep, dia suka BENGONG ! lol auh~ gapapa deh ente suka bengong~ yang penting ente tetep penyayang dan kakkoii as usual x33
11. Satsuki Ex. Rentrer En Soi
My DIVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA auh~ ni orang bener bener kek DIVA ! emaaaaaaaaak !! tolooong !! ni anak cantik tiada tara deh ! auranya DIVA banget ! duh, saking cantiknya saya ga tau mau komen apa lagi
12. Wataru - 12012
Gyaaaaaaa~ kembarannya Rukeeeeeeeeeeeeeh~ kyung~ my lopeli kakkoii hubbie~ lol dia lagi di africaaa looh~ #gapentingyaa kenapa suka Wataru ? kenapa Ga Tohru aja ? Soalnya Suara Wataru menggetarkan hati ku di lagu want want want dan di lagu Hallelujah auh~
13. Hitomi - Moran
HITOMI KYAAAAAAAAAA~ tatapan ini anak bikin deg deg-an ! walo suaranya kek tikus kejepit #plak dia punya tampang yang ADUHAAAAAAIII ADUH SEKSINYAAA xD lol anda bakal klepek2 kalo liet dia di PV Helpless ! ehehehe
14. Shun - Vidoll
another Sexiest Guitarist ! ahhh~ ini orang bener bener minta digigit ! bikin geretetan tiap liet kelakuannya, cara ngomongnya ituloh juga ~ aduuuuuh .. grrrrrrrrr~
15. Kiryuuin - Golden Bomber
Kiryuuin ! president memeshikutee~ giginya kek hiuuu~ auuu~ konyol ! sudah pasti ! secara, member Golden Bomber ga ada yang waras xD kenapa suka kiryuuin ? dan saya jawab KARENA GIGINYA KEK IKAN HIU ! lol
16. Kiyoharu
KIYOOOOOOOPAPIII~ kyaaah~ i love kiyopapa~! suaranya bikin hanyuuut~! kalo kata tomoko Hayakawa => "KIYOHARU ITU MANUSIA PALING CAKEP SEDUNIA" lol
17. Kazuki - ScReW
JUKIIIIIIIIII~ MY JUJUUUUU~ salah satu guru hentai ku #plak he is another sexiest guitarist ! auh~ the best spot.a Juki itu he's LIPS OMG~
18. Tomo - Vistlip
kyaaaaaaa~ Momo~ ToMONYET ~ orang yang suaranya selalu berhasil bikin saya nge-spot mendadak ! bikin tidur saya tambah nyenyak ! sumpah ! Tomo ini suranya Merdu NaudJUBILLE ! hauuh~
19. Takeru - SuG
HE IS MINE ! NOT FOR SALE ! LOL saya jatoh cintrong pandangan pertama sama keru di PV Love Scream Party why?? bcoz he's smile IS KILLING ME BEBEH ! lol pokoknya keru punya saya ! ga boleh diambil ! HE IS MY KAWAII CUTIE SWEETY BARBIE DOLL !!
20. Miyagi Yu (Yuuto ex. ScReW)
ini nih , biangnya air mata saya jatoh berbulan bulan ga brenti2 ! syompret kaw YUU ! lol yep, Yuuto ex. ScReW ini juga salah satu favorite ku , dan HE'S SPECIALL ! yep, dia speciall ! jangan tanya kenapa ? karena jawaban saya yang keluar adalah => "KARENA YUU-CHAN SPESIAL !" bagi yang sudah saya curhatin tentang yuu pasti tau deh kenapa yuu itu spesial xD lol~
yosh~ yang bisa saya list cuma segini nih .. kalau mau lanjut bakal ga ada habisnya , soalnya banyaaaak mameeeen~ xD ga keitungan berapa jumlahnya , malah dalam satu ben bisa ada 2-3 orang xD lol~
*THE TOKYO HIGH BLACK THE TOKYO HIGH BLACK made their debut during this event. The vocalist MUSASABY was considered the head honcho, and the staff called him 'MUSASABY-senpai (先輩; sir)'. As soon as their performance was over, MUSASABY immediately checked the live photos. MUSASABY-senpai sure doesn't waste any time!!
There was a TV screen showing a live feed of the things going on onstage. While MUSASABY was checking the photos, Takeru was MCing up on the stage. MUSASABY responded to Takeru's comments out loud...
Takeru: Our song has become the title theme song for (the TV variety show) 'あらびき団 / Arabikidan'!
MUSASABY: Really!? I'm definitely going to watch!
Takeru: We will perform a concert at Shibuya C.C.Lemon Hall!
Takeru: I really don't care if Chiyu-kun wants to become a comedian or not. But please make sure to come to C.C.Lemon Hall!
MUSASABY: Is one of the SuG members a comedian?
Although he was looking at the computer screen, MUSASABY's attention was focused on Takeru. But that didn't stop him from working!
Here's a photo of a cool MUSASABY. He's merrily receiving an interview with foreign media! The most notable phrases he used were 'No, nice night!' and 'Just do it!'
*SCREW Many kinds of food were being served at the catering booth next to the dressing room. But the SCREW members only went there a handful of times! You could often see the SCREW members waking straight past the booth. (Jin never even glanced at it!) Are they eating properly? You need to have a proper diet!
While wondering about the members' eating habits, I took a peek inside their room and found them having fun. Jin on the other hand was all set and even wearing his costume. Most other members prefer to wear casual clothes until right before their performance, but Jin looked perfect even when he was backstage. But...just once, I did see him forget to take his jacket (laugh).
Manabu was wandering around the corridor while looking at something held in his hand. Look in front of you or you'll bump into somebody!
SCREW was the second band to perform that day following THE TOKYO HIGH BLACK. They abruptly ran into some trouble with their stage equipment. Byo talked to the fans while waiting for it to be fixed. Unfortunately they had to cancel one of the songs they had planned to play. Despite that accident the members each did their best. After the performance finished, they immediately headed for the backstage area from the right hand side of the stage. Byo and Jin promptly helped the staff carry the drums!! Yasuno (Kra) saw them. With a 'Yasuno smile' on his face, he walked towards Byo, patted his shoulder and said "Good work!" It showed how much Yasuno loved his younger fellow artists...it nearly moved me to tears!
After leaving the stage Rui came towards me with a cute smile of his own and said "Thank you for coming!" I'm kicking myself for forgetting to take a picture!
*ViViD When it was about time for ViViD to go onstage, Reno left the dressing room and sat down on the stairs, then turned all his attention towards practicing the guitar...The stairs were right next to the dressing room's entrance, so whenever I visited the backstage area I was surprised to see Reno-kun sitting there. But when he walked past the catering booth, he became interested in the confectioneries. Along with Ryoga he helped himself to some strawberry tarts. The way he picked up the tarts with his bare hands looked very manly (even though he was eating strawberry tarts!).
Iv was leaning back on a chair placed in a corner of the dressing room. He looked a bit sleepy. At first I thought he must be tired from waking up early. But the next minute he became very energetic and headed out into the corridors shouting "Hey!" and hugged Yuji. What was he talking about with Yuji?
Ko-ki went to the catering booth with a spoon in his mouth. He had a choice of either beef curry or Thai curry, but he looked undecided...Just at that moment Chiyu walked by, so Ko-ki asked him "Is the Thai curry spicy?" Though he was suddenly asked by Ko-ki, Chiyu immediately answered "It's not that spicy." He then went inside the dressing room.
*SuG We filmed a video comment with Takeru, but while he was commenting I was locked out of the room! I could hear the cheery laughter of the members, and was a bit sad I couldn't join them. When they seemed to be finished, I hurriedly went inside. I nearly ran into Takeru, who left the room after making a slight bow towards me. He soon came back laughing embarrassedly. "I forgot my jacket!" The reason he returned was to take his jacket that he left on a chair.
All of a sudden 3 people wearing schoolgirl uniforms appeared with another person wearing a suit. I wondered who they were and went towards them for a better look. The people wearing the uniforms turned out to be Takeru, Yuji and Iv (ViViD)! Chiyu was the one clad in a suit. They had formed a one-off group called 'PSC48 (PS COMPANY's version of the idol group AKB48). So Takeru, Yuji and Iv had become idols! Chiyu was supposed to be their manager. He was giving the 'girls' some advice so that they will be a 'big hit'. "When you're asked 'What do you think of your fans?' you must answer "They're like our fathers to us!'" Chiyu continued to make a host of dubious suggestions...had it been a good idea to hire Chiyu? (laugh)
Onstage the fans voted for their favorite member. Despite the coaching from Chiyu, Yuji ended up taking 3rd place ...After the 3 members came back to the dressing room they laughed and said "It's finally over!" It must have been an embarrassing moment for them!
Alice Nine When entering the dressing room Hiroto immediately and energetically exchanged pleasantries with the staff. Hiroto could be seen all around the venue in friendly conversation with the staff members. But he never failed to bring his guitar along with him!! That really impressed me, and I think it was one example of how he was a dyed-in-the-wool guitarist.
Nao was out in the corridor talking with the costume coordinator; but without wearing any shirt or jacket! It probably was a rare experience to see Nao without his costume! Saga was close by. Maybe the rhythm section members are always together.
Afterwards Saga made everyone laugh during a funny incident. musicJAPANplus filmed 2 video comments that day, and Saga showed up during the filming of 1 of them. The only problem was that for that day we weren't planning to film Saga or his band. One of the staff told him "Saga-kun, we're not filming you today!" Saga left the dressing room with a wry smile. "I thought Alice Nine was going to do a video comment!" I sure would have liked Alice Nine to appear as well! We promise we'll include Alice Nine next time!
In the corridor Shou was seriously discussing something with the costume coordinator. Unfortunately I can't reveal the details of their top secret conversation; all I can tell you is that they were talking about their costumes. The way Shou was sticking just his head out of the door and fiddling the accessories of their costumes made him look like a cute critter. Later he joined Tora inside the dressing room to have a chat with the ViViD members! You could hear their laughter even from outside. What were they talking about?
Kra Keiyuh seemed to be even busier than usual. From time to time I also saw someone clad in a black costume just like Keiyuh's. Who was it? For the whole day Keiyuh was appearing and disappearing in all sorts of locations! I also found him sitting and staring intently at a piece of paper. Was he going over the event's schedule?
Yasuno was inside the dressing room and trying to get to know more about the dancers who performed with Kra. He was talking with them about their costumes. One of the dancers asked "How did you draw the painting on your head?" Yasuno said that he first drew the shapes of the illustrations with eyeliner, and then filled them in with colors. He said he had his own special way of doing it.
While wandering around the dressing room I saw Mai!! Before that, I had looked for him everywhere backstage but couldn't find him! Where had he been? Later on, when it was time for a photo shoot, Mai was the last one to show up! He has a knack for making unexpected disappearances, and backstage you could often hear the staff calling "Mai!"
Similar to Mai, Yuhra often went missing too. Inside the dressing room, he joined a group of artists that were younger than him. When it was time for the photo shoot he struck up a friendly conversation with fellow bassist Chiyu. Nobody can be sure where he was during all other hours (laugh).
the GazettE (Aoi) Aoi appeared as a special guest during the performance by Kra. He surprised everyone by appearing backstage before noon. Since the rehearsals began in the afternoon, he soon found he had nothing to do. "I'm bored." "I've got nowhere else to go." He ventured into the dressing room wearing casual clothes. He had a pair of sunglasses and was clad in chic grey clothing. It made him look very mature and great!! He peered outside by bending the blind curtains with his fingers. It made Aoi-san look like a real police detective!
Aoi apparently kept himself busy by visiting a host of other locations. After donning his costume and putting on his makeup, he went to the guitar tuning room. Since he was going to play Kra songs, he meticulously checked and rechecked. Aoi performed the Kra song 'ブリキの旗 / Buriki no Hata' and the GazettE song 'LINDA -candydive Pinky heaven-'. The moment he was lit up by the spotlight the fans' cheers were more like screams!
Backstage the bands' members each showed a side of themselves that were a bit different from when they were performing onstage.
Next are some behind-the-scenes stories about the filming of the video comments. Misaki will take it from here.
[THE TOKYO HIGH BLACK] THE TOKYO HIGH BLACK gathered for the filming!! But Tomorrow Joe and MON-MARSHY were nowhere to be seen...The other members looked around while saying "Maybe they won't come. Why not begin without them? (laugh)" The playful banter showed how close the members were to each other!!
Eventually all the members arrived. Right before the filming MUSASABY asked the members "How should we comment?" They soon reached a conclusion. "Well...let's act as if we're really bored (laugh)." Watch the video comment and see how they acted!!
Special Session Band This band* is a special session band created based on votes from fans. We had the members of this band comment as well. This was the first and last time to see the members together; a really rare sight! Before filming the comment the members discussed who should be the 'main host'. Yasuno and Takeru simultaneously pointed their fingers at each other. Everyone burst out laughing! Who in the end became the 'main host'?
The members themselves said that they each had been surprised to hear that they had been chosen to become part of the special band. Iv especially had something nagging him. It was the other members, and Iv said "This is almost like bullying." What was he talking about? Take a guess!
In addition, although a part of members' names have been revealed, please guess who are the rest of them?!
How would it look like with all the members? Find the answer in the upcoming video!
Please look forward!
*The name of the band will be revealed with the release of the video!
Set List
THE TOKYO HIGH BLACK SE. Deep Purple black night
1. もっと強く抱きしめたなら / Motto Tsuyoku Dakishimetanara
2. 嫉妬でSHIT(照笑) / Shitto de SHIT (Terewarai)
3. 夢見る力(仮) / Yume-miru Chikara (Kari)
4. 角田信明よっしゃあ漢唄 / Kakuta Nobuaki Yosshaa Otokouta
2. スカーレット / Scarlet
3. S=r&b
ViViD 1. Distance of mind
2. キミコイ / Kimikoi
4. Dear
SuG L.E.D Ghosty
gr8 story
小悪魔sparkling / Koakuma sparkling
闇ニ散ル桜 / Yami ni Chiru Sakura
閃光 / Senko
春夏秋冬 / Shunkashuto
akhir akhir ini saya lagi menggila dengan satu band indie [i'm not sure =="] yang semua personilnya merupakan makhluk kurang waras *plak* yaitu GOLDEN BOMBER !! oh yeaaah~~!
Golden Bomber berhasil membuat saya jatuh hati pada pandangan pertama dengan mereka dengan satu lagu yang tak kalah gilanya dengan mereka, yaitu ..... JENG JENG JENG JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENG~!
ini lagu yang bikin luar biasa itu bukan dari bintang video klipnya , bukan juga dari efek-efek pada video klipnya , tapi karena 'dance' yang di lakukan para member band Golden bomber xD
nah, personil Golden Bomber sendiri adalah ..
Kiryuuin ini adalah Vokalis dari Golden Bomber =3 muka imut kalo di foto, tapi kalo udah liet langsung di PV , imutnya luntur [kalo menurut saya tapinya xD] dan satu hal yang unik dari Kiryuuin ini .. giginya ber-jarak-jarak dan runcing tajam dan menyerupai gigi ikan HIU xDDD [warning: ini adalah kebiasaan buruk author yang selalu menyamakan artis jrock dengan ikan] xD but~ suara kiryuuin enak loh x33 saya aja demen x3 dan Kiryuuin sudah saya nobatkan sebagai Member favorite saya di Golden Bomber xDD ah,, nama asli dari Kiryuuin itu adalah Kiryuuin Shou , Kiryuuin sendiri lahir pada tanggal 20 juni di Tokyo, bagi yang mau ubek-ubek blog Kiryuuin silahkan ketik REG spasi Kiryuuin , kirim ke nomer hape saya xD *plak* i mean .. silahkan kunjungi => http://ameblo.jp/kiryu-in/
Okeh, sekarang Kyan ~! Kyan ini adalah Gitaris di Golden Bomber =3 dan menurut saya, muka dia yang paling CAKEP di Golden Bomber .. lol~ dan saya juga punya banyak koleksi piku dia, padahal saya sukanya sama Kiryuuin ==" ya lupakan masalah ga penting itu xD merasa ga, kalo si Kyan ini mirip seseorang ? ya~! kadang dia keliatan mirip Leda, dan juga kadang keliatan mirip sama Shun Vidoll ~! xD Nama asli Kyan adalah Kyan Yutaka .. ya, Kyan Yutaka O.O CHOTTO MATTE ?? YUTAKA ?? Kyan keluargaan ama UKE YUTAKA A.K.A KAI THE GAZETTE KAH ?? roflmao~ itu hanya dia dan Tuhan yang tau xD lol Kyan sendiri lahir pada tanggal 15 Maret di Tokyo =3 tertarik dengan Kyan ? silahkan cari tahu tentang dia dengan cara ketik *di lempar bakiak sebelum nyelesein kata2* xD okeh 0keh, silahkan kunjungi http://ameblo.jp/kyan-yutaka/
yay~! ini dia Utahiro~! salah satu member Favorit ku jugaaaaa x333 saya maruk ya? udah Kiryuuin , sekarang nambah si Utahiro xD ah, gapapa .. maruk itu tuntutan perkerjaan xD hahaha . Utahiro ini Bassist-nya Golden Bomber .. yang bikin saya tertarik sama dia, gara2 di PV Memeshikute, dia kek.a niat banget joget2 memeshikute xDD lucu deh pokoknya xD Utahiro itu nama aslinya Utahiroba Jun , dan biasanya saya plesetin jadi Utahirobal alamiiiiiiin~~ *plak* lol Utahiro lahir pada tanggal 30 Agustus di Chiba ! aww~ mau bongkar tempat curhat Utahiro ?? silahkan kunjungi --> http://ameblo.jp/sexy-m0xy/
TUNGGU ! bukan ya , dia bukan personil Kuburan Band kok~! lol dia adalah Kenji , Drummer-nya Golden. menurut saya, ini bocah yang paling autis nomer dua setelah Kiryuuin xD gini2 si Kenji punya koleksi boneka anjing loh xDD wakaka.. aneh2 aja ya ? okeh, nama asli Kenji ntu Kenji Darvish , nama belakangnya kek nama orang barat gitu ya ? apa Kenji Blasteran ? ada yang tau ? nyaa~ Kenji itu lahir pada tanggal 28 November di Fukuoka .. mau liet muka Kenji tanpa make up ? ga nyeremin kok, tenang aja .. masih cakepan dia non make up dari pada ber-make-up xD silahkan ada berpetualang di http://ameblo.jp/doramu-kenji/ dan temukan piku itu xDD ahahaha ..
yosh~ saya rasa cuma ini yang dapat saya sampaikan, kurang lebihnya saya mohon maaf, Wasallam~ *plak*
jyaaa Minna~! (・ω・)ノシ
Kyan : Aku mau kamu Mii~~ Mii : mukyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ >/////< *digigit kiryuuin*
This is the collaboration Q&A project musicJAPANplus had been doing with PS mobile before the TRIBAL ARIVALL Vol. 100 event! There have been a great number of questions we received from all of you. Thank you very much.
The questions have been answered through the musicJAPANplus Official Twitter and PS mobile on the day of the event as well; did you all check it out that day?
We are probably going to do a similar project again some time soon, so how about following the musicJAPANplus Official Twitter then? We are also waiting for your opinions on further events like this!
Well, this is the "Artist Q&A" and as said before, there have been a great number of questions, and all of them have been given to the respective bands and band members; however, we are very sorry, that there was simply not enough time to have them all answered!
Still, they have answered a good number of questions for you. Have you found your question in here? The questions we have answered on Twitter are also included in this so you can check them all out in one go!
Also, don't forget to write us your impressions on this project as well as the answers in our forum! Feel free to discuss the content under the "MJ+ : Looking for Questions at the Band Members!!" topic!
Alice Nine - Artist Q&A
Q. What was the first live you ever went to? (Luvalice9 / United Kingdom) A. It was during middle school, a live of L'arc-en-Ciel.
Q. Do you have a plan to learn English more, especially speaking & spelling? (Luk2FerrishWheel / Indonesia) A.To "convey" more, I would like to improve my intonation and the grammar. Eventually, I would like to do the MCs in English at overseas performances.
Q. What would be the place at home you feel most relaxed? (uki / United Kingdom) A. On my sofa. Because even though I am living on my own, it is big and good to relax.
Q. Of the soft ice cream Shou-kun has eaten so far, please tell us the most delicious one you have eaten! I want to try and eat it at all cost! (Mayu-chi / Shimane) A: The soft ice cream, from the place where my mom and dad got together, in Kiyose, Nagano prefecture, was really good. Please make sure to come during the summer.
Q. How do you feel about composing songs for two different bands at once? (Karasu and Alice Nine) Is it hard to keep the music to the personalities of each band? (cidxpon95 / United States) A: Even though the person making the music is the same, as the members playing it change, the nature and the character of the band changes also. Therefore, there is no direct awareness about doing something "because it is KARASU."
On the contrary, because I really enjoy doing the things usually not possible in each band, I am at ease doing it except for the (tight) schedule. (laughs)
Q. How did you decide to get Mogu? (Reviva / United States) A. Our eyes just met!!! I felt that there was something very close (laughs).
Q. Have you always felt inspired to take beautiful photos even when you were younger? (Mercurial Sanctuary / United States) A: At that time I didn't have a camera and couldn't take pictures, however, whenever I saw something beautiful I drew pictures. These have now become the things I am taking pictures of.
Q. Was there something expensive you have bought lately? (uki / United States) A. A CD rack and guitar effecter.
Q. If your band members were women, who would you kiss? (Yuan-chan / Germany) A. All of them.
Q. What's your favorite part about hosting NicoNicoLive? (Reviva / United States) A. The shocking!
Q. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? (amanokathy / United States) A. Alice Nine
Q. If you were to sing vocals for one Alice Nine song, which one would it be? (ARThomas / United States) A. 九龍-NINE HEADS RODEO SHOW-"
Q. What do you do with the gifts fans send to you? (MandraModdle / United States) A. I keep them at home.
Q. Where do you feel that you "have grown up?" (uki / United States) A. The condition of my skin.
Q. Good evening! This is a question for Tora-san, who never updates his blog. Even if you are not updating, do you look at the other members' blogs or your own (ameba) group? I would like to know what your recent state is...? (Mercedes / Ibaraki) A. I am looking at them! Or else I am writing songs!
Q. If you could speak to any of your favorite musicians, who would you speak to? (Luvalice9 / United Kingdom) A. YOSHII KAZUYA
Q. You're the backup vocalist for Alice Nine, so have you ever thought of having a temporary solo project where you are the main vocalist? (kani85 / United States) A. If that meant playing at Tokyo DOME, I'd do it.
Q. If you had one month off, what country would you like to travel to? (uki / United States) A. London or Berlin.
Q. Saga-kun has played in the Baseball club, right? (Charlie / Aichi) A. I was a pitcher and a first. Throwing and catching with my left hand.
Q. Last month's tour is already over, but was there anything especially joyful that happened? (Yukarin / Chiba) A. Meeting the fans.
Q. Who is your best friend? (Laurey~ / Mexico) A. OASIS
Q. What made you want to be a drummer? (Luvalice9 / United Kingdom) A. There was a drum set in front of me.
Q. What's the best point about being a drummer? (uki / United States) A. There are a number of things I know, along with a number of things I don't fully understand yet.
Q. What's the one Starbucks drink Nao-san orders the most? (Yukarin / Chiba) A. White Mocca
All members
Q. What does "Love" mean to you? (amanokathy, U.S.A.) A. It's the earth / world.
Q. You receive a lot of fan mail from overseas, and some of them might be written not in Japanese. So how good are you in English or other languages? (Satsuko / Russia) A. Words are a matter of feeling. (Note: It doesn't matter if they are in Japanese, English, or any other language.)
Q. What do you do with all the gifts you receive from Japanese and overseas fans? Do you keep them all? (ladycaos / Italy) A. We keep them at home, too.
Q. If you were to compare the band members to the members of a family, who would be which part? A. Tora = Dad; SAGA = Mom; and Shou, Nao, & Hiroto would be three brothers.
Kra - Artist Q&A
Q. When did you start playing the piano? (Mika / Malaysia) A. Since I was 3-years old.
Q. Why did you choose 景夕 as the kanji for your stage name? (Keinomaiyuu / United States) A. Because of my initials being K.U., and I also like the setting evening sun.
Q. How long have you been playing the piano, and what do you think is the difference in expressing music with the piano as compared to singing? (kiniro_ageha / Germany) A. As I said, I was 3 years old. The difference is the voice and the sound.
Q. In your blog there is this picture icon shaking left and right. What is it? (uki / United States) A. It's the "VIBE."
Q. Are you planning to come to the U.S for a performance? (mayuuu / United States) A. I want to.
Q. There was this picture of you and Yuhra-san wearing Yasuno's sunglasses, so are there any sunglasses you like especially lately? (Mami / Yamagata) A. Not at all
Q. Majority of bands usually have 2 guitarists, how do you feel being the only guitarist in Kra? Why? (kani85 / United States) A. Do I need anyone else? (laughs)
Q. Please express you current feelings in English! (uki / United States) A. I'm sleeping Japan oh yes!
Q. Is there something you are interested in lately? (aki_9804 / Germany) A. Growing watermelons
Q. What was the best present your received from overseas fans? (mayuuu / United States) A. Korean ginseng
Q. When do you usually come to think that playing the bass is interesting? (aki_9804 / Germany) A. When playing fast to a fast rhythm
Q. Which bassist do you look up to and why? (kani85 / United States) A. IKUO-shi (Note: "shi" is a honorific for a well respected person)
Q. Is there a song you would like to cover? (mayuuu / United States) A. Level42's "Mr. PINK"
Q. You have a big bright smile when performing and it tells your audience that you love what you are doing, but if you weren't a drummer, what would you be doing now and what would you not be caught doing? (kani85 / United States) A. Hmm, what could it be? Probably someone who is repairing cars. If I wasn't the drummer, I probably couldn't spin the sticks. (laughs)
Q.What would be a place in Japan you recommend? (mayuuu / United States) A. In spring or in autumn, it would be walking along riverbanks in Kyoto. It is about the glamorous feeling of each season, as much as realizing the splendid change of the seasons.
Q. How are you able to maintain your well shaped body? (mayuuu / United States) A. Maintaining...I haven't been able to do it really. (cries) Lately, I am really getting a little chubby.
All members
Q. Would you come to Germany (Europe) once again? (Yuan-chan / Germany) A. Please keep calling for us!
Q. When are y'all coming to the USA for a live? (Keinomaiyuu / United States) A. Please keep calling for us!
Q. Is there something you would like the other members to stop doing? (Sarara / Shizuoka) A. We've gotten used to most things, so it's OK. (laughs)
SuG - Artist Q&A
Q. Where do you get your inspiration for your songs and your clothing style? (takeru39 / United States) A. From usual shopping
Q. What is the song that gives you the most emotion? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. Heart breaker / G-dragon
Q. Are the clothes Malko Malka designed by you or also by the other members? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. It's not MALKO but million $ orchestra and only I design them.
Q."You have already played in a movie, would you like to take on the challenge of being an actor again?" (yuta / United States) A. I would like to play a role in a horror movie.
Q.What is a thing you want the most, recently? (*Hitomi / Saitama) A. iMac
Q. Do you do special voice training? (Meru / Hiroshima) A. Screaming
Q. What kind of people are good friends with you? (Maya / Kagoshima) A. KERWIN, Kawana Hyuma
Q.I am writing lyrics a lot, and the things I want to convey are very similar, so the lyrics also become similar. If I tried to write something like "Love Scream Party", what would be the best way to go about it? (Reika / Kanagawa) A: Hmmm...I just write as I feel it, so it is important to use words from "inside yourself".
Q. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MASATO!! What are the most memorable things that happened to you on your birthday this year and what do you plan to accomplish personally this year? (kani85 / United States) A. To celebrate with a lot of fans.
Q. Do you feel like making your own collection of sunglasses? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. I'd love to!!
Q. What's been your dream as a kid? (yuta / United States) A. Becoming a soccer player!
Q. It is a little early, but still Happy Birthday☆ I am really looking up to masato, and I began playing the guitar. However, if there is a basic learning book you could recommend, please do so! (Jio / Hyogo) A. As for a learning book, take the band scores of your favorite band. It is important to practice songs you like!
Q. Will you one day change your guitar? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. I'm not planning on it!
Q. Where do you find the inspiration to compose so many songs? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. AKB48
Q. If you had the chance to become someone else just once, who would you like to be and what would you want to do? (yuta / United States) A. Doing the shouts for B'z
Q. yuji-san( *^ω^* ), please tell us, what your recent most favorite character is! I'll be going to the live on May 30th! Good Luck! (Yurichamu / Tochigi) A. Maeno
Q. How can you pull off so many gags? I'd like to become like yuji-san! (laughs) (Karen / Ibaraki) A. Read (the manga) "Inachuutakkyubu"!!
Q. I've wanted to play the bass for more then half a year now, but I'm not sure where to start... any tips :"(? (happycharmy / United States) A. Just start it!
Q. What is the feeling when you are the biggest of the group? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. (The others) are short.
Q.Who is your favorite bassist of PSC? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. Me!
Q. I really like your voice. If there was a chance to really "sing" together with Takeru, would you do it? (kiniro_ageha / Germany) A. I'll work hard to get the harmonies right!
Q. Is there something you would like to master in the future? (yuta / United States) A. English
Q. From the different local foods you have eaten so far, what would you recommend? (Kasumi / Chiba) A. Gyuutan (Ox tongue)
Q. Please tell us, who the hottest artists are in and outside of Japan right now. (Yukia / Tokyo) A. BIG BANG & SuG
Q. If you were an instrument, what would you be? (haru_uruha. / United States) A. Ukulele
Q. Do you come up with the creative designs of the earmuffs we've seen you wear in the past? If so, have you ever thought of having your own earmuff fashion line? (kani85 / United States) A. No.
Q. Which one would you rather like to hear "cute!" or "cool!" (yuta / United States) A. Both make me happy.
Q. This is question to shinpei-san! How come you are so skinny...? I'm envious. (Kyone / Fukushima) A. It's my nature that I don't gain weight.
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Q. What are your favorite animals or pets? Do you have any pets? (RomantiCpapico / Canada) A.
masato: Dog
yuji: Dog, but I don't have one.
Chiyu: Orca
Shinpei: Cat
Q. Do you have any really memorable moments with any overseas fans? What is a nice gift you've gotten from a fan? (RomantiCpapico / Canada) A.
masato: Their voices during the lives are really powerful.
yuji: The Thai fans had been tagging along the whole time.
Chiyu: The collected written messages by them.
Shinpei: They were like paparazzi in the taxi.
Q. Do you have any message for your fans that wish to become musicians too? (winter.LIAR / Canada) A. Take one step after another and make your dream come true.
SCREW - Artist Q&A
Q. When you were younger, did you have someone you idolized as people idolize you now? How does it feel? (satsukitty / Ireland) A. There wasn't.
Q. If you were a woman, what type of man would you like? (satsukitty / Ireland) A. A good looking guy.
Q. Would you still prefer doll-like girls? (satsukitty / Ireland) A. I prefer dolls.
Q. You have many fans in America, when will you come here to play live for us? American fans are very different, you will love it! (Aubrey / United States) A. I'd like to go in the near future!
Q. Why do you always appear shirtless during live shows? (Jena-Chan / Singapore) A. Because it's SEX!
Q. What is the craziest thing a fan has said/done to you? (Mercurial Sanctuary / United States) A. Nothing in particular.
Q. If the world was to end tomorrow, would there be any sins you'd have to confess? (yuki / United States) A. Nothing really...
Q. Do you like vegetables? Do you like broccoli? Byo is the one I like most in the world. (Kea / Aichi) A. Impossible!
SCREW - Artist Q&A
Q. Do you like girls who are shy or do you like girls who would grab you and kiss you because you are so hot?!?! (Aubrey / United States) A. The shy girls.
Q. If you were only allowed to drink one beverage for the rest of your life, what would you choose? (haru_uruha. / United States) A. Tequila
Q. Among the presents from fans, was there something that surprised you? (XD / United States) A. A star.
Q. Even though Manabu-kun is from Osaka you are speaking standard Japanese fluently. Why is that? Maybe is it because one of your parents is from the Kantou region? (Milk / Osaka) A. I am hiding my Osaka dialect behind a veil.
Q. Do you feel particularly close to one of the members since joining? (Mercurial Sanctuary / United States) A. Goto-san (their manager)
Q. If you were to buy your girlfriend a present, what would it be? (XD / United States) A. Byo-kun!
Q. Is there a country you are interested in lately? Which and why? (XD / United States) A. America, because there is a famous drum shop I would like to go to.
Q. What would be your ideal family? (XD / United States) A. Father, Mother, Grandpa, Grandma, older brother, older sister, younger brother, younger sister.
Q. Have you been overseas for travel? (XD / United States) A. Not for travel. LIVES ONLY!
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Q. If you could be a woman for a day, what do you want to do? What would you be doing now, if you had been born a woman? (Kei, Saitama)
Byo: Plastic surgery. I'd be the cutest girl of all!
Kazuki: Body check. Still be a guitarist.
Manabu: Going shopping and Karaoke. I'd be a model.
Rui: Touch. I'd become a member of AKB48
Jin: Enter the women's public bath. I'd become a drummer still.
Q. Have you played pranks on the other members? What were they? (Luk2FerrishWheel、Indonesia)
Byo: I played a number of pranks on Jin.
Kazuki: I've sexually harassed Jin-kun.
Manabu: Too many, so I forget.
Rui: I put pepper into a bentou. (Note: Boxed lunch)
Jin: I've sexually harassed Byo.
ViViD - Artist Q&A
Q. What made you want to become a singer? (Michi Macchiato / France) A. I was singing at the cultural festival in middle school.
Q. If you could choose one of the other vocalists, participating in the TRIBAL ARIVALL to sing a duet with, who do you think would your voice match with best? (kiniro_ageha / Germany) A. Shou-san!!
Q. How come you are this good at singing? (Ibuki / Tokyo) A. The result of hard work.
Q. How long have you had the same guitar? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. I have had the red guitar for about three years now. The main one recently is from February of this year.
Q. What solo are you most proud of? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. Across The Border
Q. Is there something you are really into recently? (Ayako / Kanagawa) A. Driving
Q. At what age did you start playing the guitar? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. When I was 15 years old.
Q. Who is your favorite guitarist? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. Michael Schenker
Q. Is there an artist you would like to hold a dialog with? (XD / United States) A. It can be whomever, as long as they are a motivation to me.
Q. What does your tattoo on your fingers mean? (Kazu / France) A. It means "I" (laughs)
Q. How much time per day do you exercise your muscles? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. About 2 hours.
Q. If you were to cosplay one of the other artists participating today, who would it be from which time? (Yukia / Tokyo) A. Byo-san from the time of Vegas
Q. At what age did you start playing drums? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. I started earnestly when entering High School
Q. It doesn't bother you sometimes that you can't move during concerts? (Ezoo / Belgium) A. Watch me move behind the drums!
Q. I got a YAMAHA electronic drum set from my parents recently, but which drum makers does ko-ki-kun like best? (Nishimura / Aichi) A.Lately it's CANOPUS
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Q. What is most special to you? (Lynnx341 / United States) A. All of ViViD's fans and the band members.
Q. What's the first thing you notice on a girl? (violentsminds / Brazil) A. The smile of that girl.
Q. There is the band concept of "coolness," so what was something especially cool that happened? (P-chiku. / Tokyo) A. Everything is extremely cool!
Q. What's your motto? (Kuku / Gifu) A. TRICK!!
Q. Are you planning to join Twitter? (bamo / United States) A: No, I am not.
Q. How did you decide upon the band name? (bamo / United States) A. One word from MUSASABY
Q. What makes you so good!!!? (Yasu / Kanagawa) A.One word from me
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Q. What do you want to do with THE TOKYO HIGH BLACK from here on? (knai95, U.S.A.) A.
MUSASABY: Make friends.
MADAO: Cool things!
Q. What do you think is the best feature of THE TOKYO HIGH BLACK? (hamtaro、Indonesia) A.
MADAO : The coolness!
MON-MARSHY : The coolness!
Q. How did you come up with the idea of forming this band? (THE TOKYO HIGH BLACK) (ladycaos, Italy) A.
MUSASABY: From a talk at a bar.
MADAO: Just like that.